Thursday, February 23, 2012

Fish Study

Preston and I went ice fishing the other day to help the Colorado Division of Wildlife conduct a fish disease study.  Most of the fish we caught were Greenback Cutthroat Trout and they had to be transported alive.  It was an interesting fun day and we were glad to help out. 

Monday, February 20, 2012

Come on Let's Go!

Sometimes when your buggy is just not going fast enough a guy just has to get out, go around back, and help push.  It sure beats just sitting in there complaining. 

Friday, February 17, 2012

Extreme Tree House

We built a tree house when I was a kid, but it was nothing compared to this one.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

It's gotten me there, and back.

I drove into my driveway and shut off the ignition of my truck.  As I was getting out I just happened to look down at the dashboard and I noticed the odometer.  It read exactly 200,000 miles.  I was amazed that it hit that mark just as I parked in my driveway. That old truck is like a good friend, we've gone into some pretty wild places together and it's always gotten me home.  Two hundred thousand miles, like going around the world 8 times, is a long way to travel together.  I figure we can make it another 200,000 if we're careful.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Monday, February 13, 2012

Colorado Sunshine

As dawn broke Saturday morning the skies were grey, the temperature was 12 degrees, and a freezing drizzle mixed with snow made the roads as treacherous as an ice rink.  Three of our grandsons were spending the weekend with us and we had promised that we would take them fishing.  As we sat in our kitchen drinking coffee looking at the weather we wondered how we were going to break the news that it was just too cold to go.  When the youngest one got up I told him we probably wouldn't go and I asked him what else he wanted to do instead, he looked at me with his sad eyes and said "I want to go fishing grandpa".  So...we went.  As we drove up Ute Pass the sky began to clear and we drove right into a bright sunny day.  We had a wonderful time above the clouds and the fishing was great. 

Friday, February 10, 2012

Need a fur coat?

A few days ago I attended this year's Colorado fur auction.  It is amazing to view the variety of pelts for sale.  These photos show only a small portion of what was up for auction.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

I Wish It Were True

We all need this kind of service from time to time.  If only they could make good on this promise.