Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The "Humming Bird" and the "Otter"

Memorial Day 2012

Mark and I built these two kayaks when we were in high school and they are still seaworthy today.  The one man boat we named the “Humming Bird” and the two man we christened the “Otter”.  It was great fun introducing a new generation to the sport of kayaking.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Adventure Abounds

Miles from any emergency services, miles from the nearest road, about as high and remote as we could get, and all alone.  The snow field was steep and slick, and with one slip you could be over the edge before you know it.  People wonder why we go backpacking.  I wonder why we wouldn't.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Time to Recharge

I am getting a serious urge to pack my backpack and head into the wilderness. There is nothing like the solitude and magnificent mountain scenery to recharge your batteries.  Mine feel like they need a good charging.  This is Brady Lake, in the Holy Cross Wilderness Area, one of our favorites, and we normally make at least one trip to this pristine location each season.  I can't wait!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Blue as Blue

Spring is the time when the Mountain Bluebirds begin to make their nests and lay this year’s brood.  They will spend the next few months making countless flights to and from the nest box with an amazing number of insects to feed their young.  Good thing it's a team effort with the male and the female carrying the load equally.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

What Do You Call It?

A goose when it's a female, a gander when it's a male, a gosling when it's young, a member of a skein when it’s flying or a member of a gaggle when it’s walking, and dinner when it’s cooked.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Someone You Love

Sometimes all that is needed to brighten your day is a walk in the park with someone you love.