Friday, November 30, 2012

Two Lights

There are two lights in my life.  One makes life as I know it possible, it warms my world and all that is in it including my heart, the the sun. 

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Don't Be In A Rush

Stepping through a doorway may seem like a simple and innocent move, but careful thought before each step would be wise.  The door could possibly close behind you, you may be tempted or invited to go through the next doorway and then the next and then the next.  If you make any turns or detours along the way, if anything changes, or if you loose could be almost impossible to find your way back.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Autumn on the River

The autumn sun, warm and welcome, beaconed more than just myself to the river's edge.  The late afternoon Trico Mayfly hatch was also just starting to rise as the tiny nymphs cast aside their underwater shells and took wing for the very first time.  Cruising brown trout seemed to sense their departure and were eager for the imminent meal.  Concentration is mandatory if your imitation tied to a spider web thin line is going to drift as a natural would, and look appetizing to a wise old river warrior; but with such colorful splendor all around…concentration was hard to muster. 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Off the Beaten Path

Mountain men like Hugh Glass, Jim Bridger, James Beckwourth, and Liver Eating Johnson, used to follow rivers and streams just like this one into the wilderness to find unspoiled trapping grounds.  "I hear tell there are beaver as thick as fleas up yonder" could be heard at any rendezvous down below.  Each time I venture away from the beaten path I become reacquainted with the feelings they must have experienced. Following this stream into the backcountry, deep into the "West Elk Wilderness Area"... to an unspoiled land...was good for our souls.  I long to be in country like this, but I truly believe Mary loves it even more.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

A Tribute Just For Them

When Mary and I were traveling home from Crested Butte last month we looked to the side of the road and noticed this flagpole and American flag seemingly in the middle of nowhere.  I slammed on the brakes, made a U turn in the middle of the highway, and went back to make this image of the scene.  I have no idea who placed the flagpole in this location, or who the half mast tribute was for, but as I stood there mesmerized by the flag fluttering in the breeze the faces of all the people I have lost in my life came to mind and I felt in my heart that it was there just for them.