Saturday, June 11, 2011

You've Come A Long Way

This morning Andrea was inducted into the "Delta Mu Delta Society" honoring her college academic achievements.  Only the top 10% of the class who have completed at least 75% of the required credits and who have the highest GPA are nominated to be inducted. We are all very proud of her.

Delta Mu Delta
International Honor Society in Business

Delta Mu Delta was founded by the Dean from Harvard University and four professors from Yale University and New York University in November, 1913.

 In 1963 DMD was admitted to membership in the Association of College Honor Societies, ACHS, an organization whose objective is to maintain high standards for the recognition and promotion of academic excellence in higher education.

In 1992 the Society established an affiliation with the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs, ACBSP.  Delta Mu Delta is the International Honor Society for business programs accredited by ACBSP at the baccalaureate, graduate and doctoral levels.

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