Friday, March 30, 2012

A Beautiful World

As we travel around the globe we rediscover that every place on earth has a special beauty unique to that location.  On this trip we walked along the North Canadian River near Jones Oklahoma and we experienced some of this unique beauty.  The Cardinals and Mocking Birds serenaded the mornings arrival while the blooming Red Bud trees displayed their spring time brilliance. 

Thursday, March 29, 2012

King Rooster

He's a fine looking specimen, but he thinks and acts like he is "King Of The Barnyard".  I don't think he has any idea that he is just a chicken.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Fun On Our Farm

We went to Oklahoma for a few days and just got back last night. 

A day spent building fence, cutting and welding pipe, and hanging new gates on your own farm is simply good for the soul.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Falling of a Giant

It took almost 40 years to grow to this majestic size, and only a few hours to bring it down, chip it up, and haul it away.  It was sad for some, but a great relief to many others.  It was simply too close to the house and with the danger of falling during one the many wind storms that occur in this area it posed too great a risk.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

A Tradition Upheld

Happy Saint Patrick's Day to you all.  We went to Jacob's baseball game and it ended early so as we were driving home we made a slight detour. was Saint Patrick's Day and we just could not let it pass without at least one green beer below the naked lady in our favorite watering hole.  It just wouldn't have been right.
As you can see we had more than just one, but on Saint Pattie's Day, who’s counting.

Mary took this photo and I love the way she captured the picture of green beer...oh I mean pitcher...well the picture is not bad either.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Happy "White Day"

Ok, so you don't like "Save A Spider Day"?  Well today, March 14th, is also known as "White Day" in some parts of the world.  It is a day just like Valentines Day, in Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and some parts of China.  You are supposed to give your sweetheart a gift of chocolate to show your love and affection.  So if you want to surprise your sweetheart today.  Give him or her some chocolate and tell them "Happy White Day".

Happy "Save A Spider Day"

Today is the day that celebrates one of the creatures that gives me the creeps more than any other.  It's “National Save A Spider Day”.  Now I don't know who came up with the idea to have such a day, but I hope they don't start making greeting cards with spiders on them to commemorate the occasion.  Well on second thought, maybe I do.  I have quite a few photos of spiders that I could sell to the card companies.  Here is one of a Golden Orb Weaver that I took in Costa Rica.  Nice looking specimen, don’t you think.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Connected to the World

Here I am working on my blog while listening to Radio Beijing China at 13.780 MHz on the Shortwave 21 meter band.  They broadcast to the world in English twice a day.  It's fascinating to listen to different perspectives and news programs from around the world.  They mention the USA quite frequently, and not always in a positive way.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Dinner and Tea in no time.

No this is not a still to make moonshine, although you may be able to rig one up using this neat little cooker.  It is called a Kelly Kettle (made in Ireland) and it is an ingenious double walled boiler designed to boil water very quickly.  While it is boiling the water you can also cook your dinner in the top pan at the same time.  The only wood that is required fits in the small bottom fire pan.  Very cool design.  I think it will make the perfect survival tool for purifying water and for cooking.  It burns any combustible material other than flammable liquids like gasoline etc.  I plan to cook my lunch with it today to see how it works.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Where ever your tracks lead you in life, make sure you stop a while to ponder the wonder of it all.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A Very Significant Day

Today is a very momentous day.  It marks the beginning of a national tradition, that almost every child and child at heart, like me, always enjoys.  Even our newest grandson, who is not yet 2 years old, almost instinctively knows the tradition and how to perform it perfectly.  You have probably guessed it by now...twisting the top off of an Oreo cookie before you devour it.  

Well if you didn't already know, today is the 100th anniversary of Oreo cookies.  Now that my friends is an important day.  Perhaps it should even be considered as our next National Holiday.'s also Super Tuesday, but that pales in comparison to the significance of the 100th birthday of Oreo cookies.  Nothing any politician could say or do would be even half as interesting. 

Now if you will excuse breakfast awaits.