Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A Very Significant Day

Today is a very momentous day.  It marks the beginning of a national tradition, that almost every child and child at heart, like me, always enjoys.  Even our newest grandson, who is not yet 2 years old, almost instinctively knows the tradition and how to perform it perfectly.  You have probably guessed it by now...twisting the top off of an Oreo cookie before you devour it.  

Well if you didn't already know, today is the 100th anniversary of Oreo cookies.  Now that my friends is an important day.  Perhaps it should even be considered as our next National Holiday.

Oh...it's also Super Tuesday, but that pales in comparison to the significance of the 100th birthday of Oreo cookies.  Nothing any politician could say or do would be even half as interesting. 

Now if you will excuse me...by breakfast awaits.

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