Tuesday, May 31, 2011


It was lots of work, but lots of fun too.  The wind blew them over and we had to finish the job without getting anyone hurt.  We were successful, and had a beer or two later that day to celebrate.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Noisy Neighbors

I went to Pueblo Reservoir yesterday and every tree was full of nesting birds.  How many people get to see a Cormorant Rookery?  What a raucous bunch they are.  I won't complain about my noisy neighbors ever again.  (if you look closely you can see a few Great Blue Herons in the mix).

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Pay as you go

If you have ever been to our property, "The Land" you are familiar with the bathroom facilities.  Well due to the poor economic times we have been forced to make some modifications.  Just be sure to have a nickel handy and you won't have any problems.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Rare visitor

She must have a nest somewhere in the vicinity because she has hung around most of the month.  I haven't seen her mate yet but I know he has to be close by.  She is a Black Headed Gross Beak and we don't see them very often, but it's nice when we do.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Just kiss my...

Have you ever had a day when no mater what you do your efforts just don't seem to be appreciated?  I think we all have days like that.  I truly believe, however, that if we knew the whole story most of the time people actually do recognize our good work and for many reasons they just don't take the time to voice their appreciation.  Well...I hope that's the case anyway.  But sometimes you just want to assume the position and tell them all..."just kiss my a...

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Another beautiful morning

Another beautiful view on our morning walk.  As I watched this small flock of geese fly over I was jealous of the view they must have.  If only we could fly too…

Friday, May 20, 2011

A Beautiful Beginning

Gently tumbling water as it meandered through the woods, the morning sounds of awakening birds, the warm sunshine against our skin and the contented ducks feeding peacefully in the stream, all made this a wonderful beginning to today.  I was glad we were there to feel it. 

Thursday, May 19, 2011

A Ferry Land

We awoke to a ferry land...the frosted stillness covered the land with peaceful grandeur.  Even the birds seemed locked in quiet slumber. The sound of our own breaths as the mist drifted upward was all that broke the silence.  As we walked, it was hard to believe May was half through, but then again, in Colorado who knows what each morning will bring.  This one was delightful.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A Kitchen Like No Other

If someone were going to design a dream kitchen it would certainly never resemble this one.  I am sure it would be filled with the most modern appliances, Corian, marble, or quartz counter tops, and the most elegant cabinetry on the market; but this humble kitchen has many features the newly designed room won’t have.  This kitchen holds the memories of hundreds of wonderful times, thousands of laughs, innumerable birthday parties, the hectic commotion from many games of spoons, and countless sumptuous meals.  It has so many wonderful memories that it would be impossible to measure the “feel good” feeling that I experience every time I am here.  No it’s not much to look at, but all you have to do is sit down at the table and listen…I am sure you’ll hear the laughter and it won’t be long before you’ll feel warm all over.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Cute Visitor

Mary and I spent the weekend at our property, better known as "The Land".  Each evening and every morning we would have this little visitor and his friends keep us company.  Nothing much more adorable than a little bunny in my book.  I also like a nice Hassenpfeffer too.

Monday, May 16, 2011

A squirrel of a different color

Here is another one of God's beautiful little creatures that help keep our backyard so interesting.  This is one of the black color phase fox squirrels that have recently appeared.  They seem to be harder to get close to than the normal red variety.  I am not sure why this is.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Quack Quack

I happen to love ducks.  In fact, about two years ago while on vacation in Santa Fe I ordered roasted duck three consecutive nights in a row at three different restaurants.  I did this not only because I love duck, but I also wanted to see which chef could prepare it the way that I like it.  I recommend the Inn of the Anasazi on Washington Street.  It was delicious.

I also love ducks when they are not roasted.  I found this wild Mallard drake showing off his magnificant adult mating plumage in one of the ponds in Monument Valley Park.  Nature in full living color is amazing!  I think he is pretty proud of himself too; I think I even see a smile on his face.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

A Passion of Mine

As you all know by now, turkey hunting is one of my passions.  To go into their environment and try and convince them that you are another turkey is extremely challenging and just a whole lot of fun.  These are a few tools of the trade.  Sometimes it takes all of them to succeed and other times…nothing works.  With these tools you can “cut”, “putt”, “yelp”, “cackle”, “ki ki run”, “purr”, "cluck", and even “gobble”.  It’s all just turkey talk.

I promise this will be my last turkey hunting photo for this year.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Beautiful Little Creatures

As I sat in our dining room finishing my morning coffee I noticed him sunning himself on a branch of the large Ash tree that grows next to our deck.  Many people, including myself occasionally, curse these little critters as a nuisance.  Yes they do eat way too much of our bird seed, and sometimes they chew up things they shouldn’t, but if you really study them…they are beautiful little creatures.

Thursday, May 12, 2011


The large terracotta pots sat empty and without color all winter.  The dull dry dirt that filled them at times was depressing to see.  Anticipation for this was strong, and now that it is here the long winter months just make the season's change that much more enjoyable.  To witness them full of flowers again lifts one's spirits in an amazing way.  Isn't springtime grand?

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Here is a photo of a turkey that I bagged on my recent trip to Kansas.  I know some people do not understand hunting and think that it is barbaric, but it is a tradition, an instinct really, that goes back thousands of years.  It is extremely challenging, usually it's fair, and it is a very natural process.  We humans have a taste for meat, we always have and most of us always will, and to me it's more natural to hunt for it than to go to the supermarket and purchase a pre-packaged chicken or steak.  Like it or not, an animal had to die somewhere, somehow, in order for that fish, chicken, or ground beef to get to the market.  To say that the cow, or chicken was raised for that purpose and that wild turkey was not, does not seem logical.  All of them are on the same level in my mind.  I realize that it is an age old issue and that those on both sides of the debate feel very passionate about their own beliefs. I can only say that it is part of who I am, I feel it is right, and I offer no apologies.

Monday, May 9, 2011

I Feel More Centered

Last week I went turkey hunting in Kansas and while driving home I spent some time in the exact geographic center of the United States.  Seemed to be a pretty cool place to be, although I don't know why.  Maybe by just being there I am now more centered, and all my ducks will be in a row for the rest of the year...we'll see.  J

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Cinco De Mayo

Happy Cinco de Mayo.  Join Pedro and me for an ice cold margarita.  Ole!

Why do we celebrate Cinco de Mayo?  Because on the morning of May 5, 1862, 4,000 Mexican soldiers smashed the French and traitor Mexican army of 8,000 men at Puebla, Mexico, 100 miles east of Mexico City.  The French had landed in Mexico to take over that country with plans to push north into the United States while we were preoccupied with our own Civil War.  They wanted our country too.

It might be a historical stretch to credit the survival of the United States to those brave 4,000 Mexicans who faced an army twice as large, but who knows? I am more than willing to help them celebrate.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Deep in a Hardwood Thicket

The abandoned road is not traveled any longer.  The grass and native undergrowth show no sign of any use at all, but the old handmade stone bridge still stands testament to the solid design and the hard work that it took to build it.  It's a very peaceful place now, deep in a hardwood thicket along a creek in northeastern Kansas, where I am spending this week chasing wild turkeys.  After I took this photo I sat on the bridge, dangled my feet off of the side, and enjoyed a cool drink of water. As I sat there I thought about the people who used to pass by.

Monday, May 2, 2011

From feathers become flies

Only a fellow fly fisherman would know that these beautiful feathers not only represent many wonderful days chasing wild Pheasants through corn stubble, but also hundreds of my favorite trout flies, the "Flash Back Pheasant Tail Nymph".  Now I just need to find the time to tie them… and go fishing.