Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Here is a photo of a turkey that I bagged on my recent trip to Kansas.  I know some people do not understand hunting and think that it is barbaric, but it is a tradition, an instinct really, that goes back thousands of years.  It is extremely challenging, usually it's fair, and it is a very natural process.  We humans have a taste for meat, we always have and most of us always will, and to me it's more natural to hunt for it than to go to the supermarket and purchase a pre-packaged chicken or steak.  Like it or not, an animal had to die somewhere, somehow, in order for that fish, chicken, or ground beef to get to the market.  To say that the cow, or chicken was raised for that purpose and that wild turkey was not, does not seem logical.  All of them are on the same level in my mind.  I realize that it is an age old issue and that those on both sides of the debate feel very passionate about their own beliefs. I can only say that it is part of who I am, I feel it is right, and I offer no apologies.

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