Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A Kitchen Like No Other

If someone were going to design a dream kitchen it would certainly never resemble this one.  I am sure it would be filled with the most modern appliances, Corian, marble, or quartz counter tops, and the most elegant cabinetry on the market; but this humble kitchen has many features the newly designed room won’t have.  This kitchen holds the memories of hundreds of wonderful times, thousands of laughs, innumerable birthday parties, the hectic commotion from many games of spoons, and countless sumptuous meals.  It has so many wonderful memories that it would be impossible to measure the “feel good” feeling that I experience every time I am here.  No it’s not much to look at, but all you have to do is sit down at the table and listen…I am sure you’ll hear the laughter and it won’t be long before you’ll feel warm all over.

1 comment:

  1. Now this might be my favorite one of all! Everything you said is so true too!
