Saturday, December 15, 2012

Oven Roasted What?

The aroma was simply overwhelming and unmistakable, roasting meat of some sort. Perhaps beef, or pork, I wasn't exactly sure but it was remarkable, as if I as true carnivore, had died and gone to heaven.  Mary and I had been invited to an old friend's house to take a lesson on the construction of homemade tamales.  Tamales are a Christmas tradition for many families and we wanted to learn the technique for our own holiday.  After the obligatory greetings and small talk I blurted out, "what in the heck are you cooking?"  Max, our friend, took me to his oven and opened the door.  For a brief moment I was stunned, but I did my best to conceal my shock.  There in the oven, roasted to a nice dark brown color, was a whole cow's head.  Sensing my apprehension, Max said the meat on a cow's head makes the best tamales and I would love it.  He was not wrong.  Ever since that day nearly 30 years ago we have tried to make tamales at least once a year.  It's a very labor intensive process but well worth the effort.  If you ever come to our home and smell what seems to be an amazing pot roast in the oven don't be surprised at what you find if you take a peek.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

What's Watching You?

It's been said that if you put a man and a bear in a fenced one square mile forested area for a week, the man may see the bear once during that week, but the bear will see the man every day.  I captured this image on my trail camera, but I never actually saw him.  I can only imagine that he watched me a time or two.  Something to think about next time you venture out for a walk in the woods.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

A Cure For All Ails

Known as a ristra, a string of dried chili peppers is commonly seen in the Southwest United States. Many people believe that a chili ristra will bring a household good luck.  I don't know if that can be proven, but I do know that a pot of Carne Adovada made from these fiery red beauties is one of my favorite dishes and seems to cure anything that ails you.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Fruit for the Glass

Nothing like a good glass of wine to compliment a great meal.  I don't know which Italian monk figured out the journey from the vine to the glass, but I am very appreciative.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Young Pride

He was only around 3 years old but already he was proficient in his tribe's ancient ceremonial dances, and you could see in the expression on his face that he was proud of that.  He was not real sure about me as I eased in close for this shot, but as I smiled at him he relaxed and turned his attention back to the business at hand...his footwork.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

2012 Mule Deer Buck

I realize that hunting is not for everyone.  Just like a myriad of other activities that are not universally enjoyed by each person in the population, hunting has a unique set of participants.  You either have the instincts, skills and inclination for it...or you don't. I have come to the realization that I will probably never convince a true anti-hunting person that it is an honorable tradition even though that same person openly supports the killing of animals for food.  Anti-hunters commonly frequent meat markets, supermarket meat counters and restaurants looking for a nice pot roast, or a leg of lamb, or a rotisserie chicken. It is also a given that an experienced hunter will never be swayed away from the principals and values of true fair chase hunting.  I personally believe that it is more honorable to eat animals that have a fair chance rather than those that are forced to endure the slow walk, down a fenced path, to the waiting butcher.  Hunting is most assuredly an integral part of the subsistence life style, and it provides me with a great sense of satisfaction knowing that I can and do provide for my family in a very traditional way.  Hunting is also a very challenging endeavor.  To venture to the wild remote country and seek an animal in his domain, facing his advanced senses and superior physical abilities is very humbling and at times frightening.  Anyone who says differently has simply never really experienced actual fair chase hunting. There will always be opinions on both sides of this issue and we may never reach a meaningful treaty; but I have a feeling that if the apocalyptic Mayan predictions come to pass there may be a few suddenly converted anti-hunters knocking on my door asking me if I could help feed their children.