Thursday, July 28, 2011

We Are Not Alone

I drove to our property yesterday to check my trail camera, and I discovered this disturbing photograph on the memory card.  I've sent this horrifying image on to the National UFO Telepathic Society (better known as N.U.T.S.), to see if they have ever seen anything like it.  I know I never have, and I am sure it will haunt my dreams for many months to come.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Say thanks when you can

It doesn’t matter what time of day it is, how cold it is, if it is raining, snowing, or 110 degrees.  It doesn’t matter how many times during the night their alarm sounds, how tired they are, or how many bruises they have...when we pick up the phone and dial 911 we know they will come.  They seem to perform their duties with almost mechanical precision, but deep down inside it gets to them too.  Never forget to say thank you when you get the chance.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Flying Flowers

This Black Swallowtail visited our garden today.  I have seen many Tiger Swallowtails, but we don't see very many Black Swallowtails.  Nice encounter. 

Did you know that butterflies taste with their feet?  If they land on something that tastes good...they eat.  If not, they simply fly on to something else.  I am glad we aren’t built that way.  I imagine my gym shoes would taste disgusting. 

Have a Happy Monday!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Date Night

My love and I are enjoying a nice quiet dinner at "Dats Italian".  If you have never been there, we recommend it.  Delicious food, reasonable prices, and the atmosphere is exceptionally romantic.  Of course having a beautiful blonde to dine with makes all the difference.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Swans feeding Geese

I went to the park today and I found two Swans feeding geese.  Fun stuff!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Fortunate...we are

"I lay here alone…day after day, week after week, month after month hoping…trying…praying to get better.  My greatest desire is to just be able to take a deep breath, to fill my lungs, and not cough up any blood.  Oh if I could only breathe. I cannot remember how long it has been since I could do that. This is my plight…I have TB."  I can only imagine how the patients of Glockner Tuberculosis Sanatorium must have felt. 
This unpretentious hut is one of the sanatorium buildings where the patients suffered to survive.  It has been preserved as a historic reminder of a very important institution that existed during the formative years of Colorado Springs.  Each patient was assigned to their own hut and many spent their last days in these small buildings.  Some actually got better, but the true cure for TB (Tuberculosis) really came about with the discovery of penicillin by Alexander Fleming.  How fortunate we are to have the benefits of modern medicine.  We should never take them for granted.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

More Curious than Afraid

Twin brothers seemed fascinated with this strange guy clicking the camera.  As is normal with the young, they were more curious than afraid.  I am sure that will change as time passes.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Whomping Willow?

These bizarre sculptures are reminiscent of something from a Harry Potter movie.  As I walked around and through them I kept thinking about the "Whomping Willow" and I was expecting any second to be bashed about.  They seem tame, however, so no worries.  If you want to try your luck they are on the corner of Cascade Ave. and Cache La Poudre Street (near Colorado College).  They are very strange indeed.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

It Motivates Us

The morning view from one our favorite bike rides.  It's not always easy to get up and get out on the trail, but the thought of this lovely place, and many more like it, always motivates us to strap on the helmet and start peddling.

Mary took this cool photo.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Beautiful Place to Live

The sound of a clear mountain stream, singing birds and the rustle of quaking Aspens only add to the sense of perfect peace and quiet.  This view is from the picture windows of the house where Preston, Jennifer, and Titus will be moving to.  It's a beautiful place to live.   

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Don't be disillusioned

Life can be riddled with barriers of all fashion.  Some are in place for an important purpose and should never be challenged.  Others however exist only in the mind of the perceiver.  It’s critical that we concentrate on separating those barriers that are actually real from those that are just unfounded fears.  If you think you can do something, go for it…you’re probably right.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Hitch Hiker

He just seemed to want a ride, but he didn't stick around very long.  A few seconds later he flew off into the wild blue yonder.  It's a Western Pine Borer.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Not too close now.

He didn't like me being in "his" neighborhood but he was willing to tolerate me for a while.  Once I edged closer he began stomping his foot as if to say, either you go away or I am...he did.  Right after I captured this image he vanished into the forest like a ghost.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Sit a Spell

Dark clouds are not always the harbinger of doom and gloom, with stormy weather often comes tranquil splendor.  Savor the moments just before darkness…it is a time not to be missed.  Sit a spell…and witness what enchantment takes place. There will be plenty of time to sleep.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

A Proud Day at the Dump

I went to the landfill the other day to help my son dispose of a trailer full of stuff, and I had forgotten how disgusting these places are.  They stink, they are ugly, and they are dangerous, but what would we do without them.  Of all the services that we have at our home I appreciate the garbage man as much as any of them.  Think of the mess we would have without their service.  This stinking, ugly, pile would be in our back yard.  I always tip my garbage man at Christmas or when I have an unusually large load of trash for him to deal with.

Just as we were leaving my son Preston noticed an older man unloading his red pickup, and he was struggling to get it done.  Pres walked over, in the rain, and began helping the guy unload his trash.  I didn't even notice the old guy, and I am very proud that my son did, and went to help.  I learned something that day.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Van Briggle Pottery Building Improvements

The Van Briggle Pottery building has been in the same location since 1909 and I always felt that any attempt to improve it would only detract from it's original beauty.  Well I was wrong.  The new additions have made it even better.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Cashier and the Train

Yesterday a cashier said “that’ll be $9.15 please”, and I handed him a $10 dollar bill.  He was about to count out the 85 cents change when I said “here I found a quarter, take it to cover the 15 cents and give me a dollar bill and a dime back". He looked at me with a very puzzled look and said “I can’t give you a dollar and a dime, I only owe you 85 cents; I have to do what the cash register says”. 

I just stood there with an equally dumbfounded look on my face.  I considered explaining things to him, but I just said “that will be fine”.  I also thought about telling him to pull his head out of his a_ _ and think about it, but I again refrained.  I realized that this would be exceedingly difficult for this guy.  By now it had become painfully obvious that this poor chap didn’t have anything separating the front of his train and his own caboose.

Seeing this little train this morning reminded me of him.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Hard to Reach

Nestled deep in the menacing stickers rest the most amazing flowers completely protected by the mother plant from all that might do them harm.  Honey bees (and probably other insects) are the only ones brave enough or capable enough to penetrate the Cholla Cactus thorny maze.  Sometimes, as is true with many things in life, the sweetest nectar is the hardest to reach.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Take the Time to Teach a Child

Many gun related accidents happen because children are not properly instructed regarding the safe handling of firearms, their purpose, use, and all of the safety precautions that go hand in hand with gun ownership.  Most of the time guns are locked away from children’s access (as they should be) and the kids never get to touch them or use them in the proper way.  This does nothing but create a mystic about them and the “forbidden fruit syndrome” is strong in the children’s minds.  They are naturally curious and when mom and dad are away they will explore.  If they are trained properly (as in this photo) and if they get to use the firearms at the proper time and place, that mystic and “forbidden fruit syndrome” disappears.  They know what guns are all about and they understand that when the time is right and in the correct setting, they will get to safely shoot all they want.  There is nothing more powerful than knowledge, and this is never more apropos than with children.  (Note: In case you noticed, ear protection is not needed in this situation since this is a BB gun and it makes very little noise).

Monday, July 4, 2011

God Bless America, Happy Independance Day!

"I pledge allegiance to the flag
of the United States of America,
and to the republic for which it stands,
one nation under God, indivisible,
with liberty and justice for all."

The Pledge of Allegiance was written in 1892 by Francis Bellamy (1855–1931),

God bless and protect all the brave men and women who have served, and are serving today, to keep our great nation and all of our freedoms alive and well.  Without them we certainly would not be living the wonderful lifestyle we live today.  God bless also those men and women who serve in different ways to keep our country strong...policemen, firemen, wildland firemen, medical experts, etc.  They all add valuable elements to our lives and we owe them our thanks.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Sharing the Joy

To most people this will be a very boring photo.  I mean after all it's just a picture of some plumbing in my basement, but this photo is significant for two reasons.  Firstly, see the new shiny brass valve with the red handle toward the top of the photo?  I installed this valve, and it just happens to be the first ever plumbing job I have done that did not require a second, third, or forth trip back to the plumbing shop for more or different parts.  It went so smoothly that I didn't use a single cuss word, or bloody any of my knuckles.  Now that is amazing. 

The second reason it is significant is that that little valve allows me to shut off all the water to the inside of the house but still leave the sprinkler system working while we are gone.  No more worries about something leaking in the house during the summer months when we are gone and need to leave the outside sprinkler system activated.  Now do you see why a photo of my plumbing is so cool?  No?  Well this is MY blog so you'll just have to get over it.  I promise future photos won't be so boring...maybe.