Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Cashier and the Train

Yesterday a cashier said “that’ll be $9.15 please”, and I handed him a $10 dollar bill.  He was about to count out the 85 cents change when I said “here I found a quarter, take it to cover the 15 cents and give me a dollar bill and a dime back". He looked at me with a very puzzled look and said “I can’t give you a dollar and a dime, I only owe you 85 cents; I have to do what the cash register says”. 

I just stood there with an equally dumbfounded look on my face.  I considered explaining things to him, but I just said “that will be fine”.  I also thought about telling him to pull his head out of his a_ _ and think about it, but I again refrained.  I realized that this would be exceedingly difficult for this guy.  By now it had become painfully obvious that this poor chap didn’t have anything separating the front of his train and his own caboose.

Seeing this little train this morning reminded me of him.

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