Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Take the Time to Teach a Child

Many gun related accidents happen because children are not properly instructed regarding the safe handling of firearms, their purpose, use, and all of the safety precautions that go hand in hand with gun ownership.  Most of the time guns are locked away from children’s access (as they should be) and the kids never get to touch them or use them in the proper way.  This does nothing but create a mystic about them and the “forbidden fruit syndrome” is strong in the children’s minds.  They are naturally curious and when mom and dad are away they will explore.  If they are trained properly (as in this photo) and if they get to use the firearms at the proper time and place, that mystic and “forbidden fruit syndrome” disappears.  They know what guns are all about and they understand that when the time is right and in the correct setting, they will get to safely shoot all they want.  There is nothing more powerful than knowledge, and this is never more apropos than with children.  (Note: In case you noticed, ear protection is not needed in this situation since this is a BB gun and it makes very little noise).

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