Saturday, July 9, 2011

A Proud Day at the Dump

I went to the landfill the other day to help my son dispose of a trailer full of stuff, and I had forgotten how disgusting these places are.  They stink, they are ugly, and they are dangerous, but what would we do without them.  Of all the services that we have at our home I appreciate the garbage man as much as any of them.  Think of the mess we would have without their service.  This stinking, ugly, pile would be in our back yard.  I always tip my garbage man at Christmas or when I have an unusually large load of trash for him to deal with.

Just as we were leaving my son Preston noticed an older man unloading his red pickup, and he was struggling to get it done.  Pres walked over, in the rain, and began helping the guy unload his trash.  I didn't even notice the old guy, and I am very proud that my son did, and went to help.  I learned something that day.

1 comment:

  1. Yes I am glad that our junk is there and not in our yard... I am also proud that Pres noticed and stopped to help that man in the rain!
