Friday, July 22, 2011

Fortunate...we are

"I lay here alone…day after day, week after week, month after month hoping…trying…praying to get better.  My greatest desire is to just be able to take a deep breath, to fill my lungs, and not cough up any blood.  Oh if I could only breathe. I cannot remember how long it has been since I could do that. This is my plight…I have TB."  I can only imagine how the patients of Glockner Tuberculosis Sanatorium must have felt. 
This unpretentious hut is one of the sanatorium buildings where the patients suffered to survive.  It has been preserved as a historic reminder of a very important institution that existed during the formative years of Colorado Springs.  Each patient was assigned to their own hut and many spent their last days in these small buildings.  Some actually got better, but the true cure for TB (Tuberculosis) really came about with the discovery of penicillin by Alexander Fleming.  How fortunate we are to have the benefits of modern medicine.  We should never take them for granted.


  1. Wow! I did not know that these huts were stll around! I can't imagine spending all of my last days in there!

  2. Wow! That gave me the chills! I did not know that either! I can't imagine! I am very thankful for my health and for modern medicine!
