Friday, July 1, 2011

Sharing the Joy

To most people this will be a very boring photo.  I mean after all it's just a picture of some plumbing in my basement, but this photo is significant for two reasons.  Firstly, see the new shiny brass valve with the red handle toward the top of the photo?  I installed this valve, and it just happens to be the first ever plumbing job I have done that did not require a second, third, or forth trip back to the plumbing shop for more or different parts.  It went so smoothly that I didn't use a single cuss word, or bloody any of my knuckles.  Now that is amazing. 

The second reason it is significant is that that little valve allows me to shut off all the water to the inside of the house but still leave the sprinkler system working while we are gone.  No more worries about something leaking in the house during the summer months when we are gone and need to leave the outside sprinkler system activated.  Now do you see why a photo of my plumbing is so cool?  No?  Well this is MY blog so you'll just have to get over it.  I promise future photos won't be so boring...maybe.

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