Thursday, April 7, 2011

Grandma's dishes

We all have memories tucked away in the private places of our minds.   Some memories are good, some are disturbing, but a few give us such a special warm feeling that we like to keep them handy so we can call on them when we need to escape where we are.  Grandma's dishes bring back many warm childhood memories for me.  I have a vivid recollection of walking into her kitchen and being eye level with her butter dish full of homemade, hand churned butter sitting on her table.  It would be a very odd sight today, and I wonder if our grandkids will have fond memories of the cardboard box of supermarket butter that we have sitting in our refrigerator.  It just doesn’t seem the same. 

1 comment:

  1. I love the lighting on the very top...churning thing. I also like how dark and mysterious it is. It makes you have to stop and really look deep. Nice.
