Monday, April 4, 2011

Remarkable Moods

There are mornings filled with dull dreary light so filtered and flat that all the excitement is missing…there are mornings with cloudless cobalt skies bright with warm sunshine…there are mornings when the freezing wind and blowing snow veil all its allure but yet spark a deep sense of adventure…there are mornings so fogged with rain that it does not make an appearance at all, and then…there are mornings like this.  It is a mood that does not emerge very often; a subtle combination of light and cloud that creates a mysterious almost seductive attraction.  It is a fleeting moment that if you wait a split second too long you will miss.  Each morning is a discovery; you never know what mood you will find.  It’s just one of the small things that makes life such a pleasure


  1. How lucky we are to see this beautiful mountain and all it's moods everyday!
