Tuesday, April 12, 2011

We deserve what we tolerate.

Katrina caused this...
Old out dated refineries caused this...
Not enough refineries caused this...
The hurricanes caused this...
BP's oil rig disaster caused this...
The unrest in the Middle East caused this...
The devastation in Japan caused this...
Oil speculators caused this…
The Democrats caused this...
The Republicans caused this...
The EPA caused this...
Not being able to drill new wells caused this...
OPEC caused this...
China caused this...
Oil company executives getting a 37% salary increase this year caused this...
(BP's CEO made $5.8 million this past year, $375,000 of this was his bonus for excellent safety.)

There is one excuse after another, and if something is not done it will just get worse.

One way to fix this and take away all the lame excuses is to throw your car keys on top of the refrigerator and don't pick them up for at least 24 hours.  Do this once a week for three months. There are approximately 300,000,000 registered passenger vehicles in America.  If every driver in America did this, the gas supply would be so high that prices would quickly get back down where they belong.  If you have to go someplace that day (which ever day of the week you choose), take a bus, ride a bike, walk, car pool with someone, or just put if off until tomorrow.  Every driver...1 day a week...for 3 months.  I think we would all be amazed.  One of my favorite sayings is "We Deserve What We Tolerate".  I for one don't want to tolerate this anymore.

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