Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Old Glory Deserves Better

The rules for flying the American flag state that if it is flown with a state flag or a "social flag" it should be larger than the other flags and it should be flown higher than the other flags.  It's an honor that our flag and all those who defend it deserve.  These two flags are the same size and are being flown at the same height.  The angle of the photo may make it appear that the American flag is slightly higher but I studied it carefully and it is not.  When I saw this today it bothered me, especially since the other flag is the type that it is.  The rules also stipulate that if the American flag is flown after dark it must be illuminated.  When I passed this building at 5:00 am it was very dark, both flags were flying, and there was no illumination at all.  It is incredible how some people's values have changed.

1 comment:

  1. This is sad... someone needs to take the American Flag down as they don't deserve to have it flying!
