Thursday, April 14, 2011

Who are they?

We took a walk in the foothills near Holmes middle school today. It could be such a beautiful area, with tall Cottonwood trees, pods of wild Yucca, deer herds, and a magnificent view of Pikes Peak.  Unfortunately there is also a view of this. Someone took the time to haul their old boat full of garbage away, but not to the dump like normal people would.  Instead they chose to dump it in the foothills. They obviously were not concerned about how offensive this would be, or about who would have to pay to have it cleaned up.  When I see something like this it makes me want to sit down with this person and just ask them..."what were you thinking?” but then I realize they probably didn't think. They are probably incapable of any decent thought at all. I am convinced that ignorance is the worst of all human afflictions.

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