Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Never Really Alone

These beautiful Native Cutthroat Trout were almost too pretty to eat...well almost.  Lightly sautéed in some Canola oil with a dusting of lemon pepper, and a little sea salt, they were a delicious treat as a mid morning brunch at nearly 11,000 feet.  I released 14 others.  I’ll get reacquainted with them on some future trip.

We were never actually alone up there...not really.  I think there were more eyes on us than we ever knew...we rationalized that most of them were probably friendly.

These twin sisters were with us most of the time, we saw them everyday.  They didn't seem to care if we joined their world for a day or two.

The Holy Cross Wilderness is another wonderful place, we know will return someday.

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