Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Spirits captivate me

San Francisco de Asis Mission Church, in Rancho De Taos, is probably the most painted and photographed church in all of New Mexico, but I couldn't resist. I love the feeling I get when I am there. This morning Mary and I were there all alone...well I know someone else was there with us...I could feel him all around.

The sun sent down warm rays from its lofty perch in the cloudless blue.  The morning was absolutely glorious and the sky was truly..."magic".


Like something from a George Lucas film, "Earth Ships" are an amazing sight to behold.  Standing, very out of place, in the sage brush flats; they are made from discarded tires, pop cans, earth, and glass bottles.  Whole communities are popping up with these "eco-friendly structures".  Everything, and I mean everything, is recycled and the inhabitants live in a communal atmosphere.  Art Bell has been saying for years that "they are among us". After visiting their dwellings and speaking with them...I think he might be correct.
I am captivated by the colors, the style, and the spirits of the Southwest.  We must have a thousand photos of old buildings, antique doors, and interesting windows.  I hope we have a million more before we're through

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

New Mexico Beauty

It's called the Land of Enchantment, and it seems beauty can be found everywhere you look.  I may push the shutter release, but Mary is my inspiration.  We were walking down a quiet road when she saw this scene and directed the photo. I love it.
This little town, Arroyo Seco, was established nearly 350 years ago, and it's charm is irresistible.

The Rio Grande Gorge is breathtaking. 

Holy Trinity Church in Arroyo Seco

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Arroyo Seco Hide Away

Mary and I recently escaped to a little New Mexico village known as Arroyo Seco.  It’s a beautiful little get-away that has not been changed too much over the years.  It was so quiet that we had a hard time keeping from getting bored to tears, but somehow we managed to suffer through.  I can't wait to go back and be bored some more...

I will post a few more photos of this beautiful spot over the next few days.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Just Not Sure

I was sound asleep last night when something woke me up.  Groggy, I got up and staggered to the window to see an eerie light coming from the sky.  As I looked up I saw this strange saucer like craft hovering over my house.  I grabbed my camera and was able to snap just this one shot before it disappeared into space at an amazingly high speed.  After looking at the photograph I think, I am not sure, but I think I recognize who was on board this UFO.  The only conclusion I can come to is that he is going home to see if he can gin up a US birth certificate.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Sadness or Anger

Bridge near Rainbow Falls in Manitou Springs

When I first see this type of visual pollution I find myself actually feeling sorry for the people who were compelled to do such a thing.  Sorry that their lives are so meaningless that this is their only form of expression or excitement.  It does not take long, however, for my emotions to change from compassion to anger.  Rainbow Falls is a hidden little gem that should be a beautiful spot to visit.  It’s too bad that it has been degraded to such a despicable mess.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Persistence Pays Off ("4 Tunnels")

Sometimes...often times, life's road becomes very difficult and just when you conquer one obstacle a more difficult challenge will appear.  When this happens, don't give up...don't throw in the towel...don't ever stop trying.  Technical expertise, good old blood, sweat and tears, and above all persistence will be rewarded with one breakthrough after another.  No, it doesn't always work, but no one will ever say…you didn't give it your all.

"4 Tunnels"

Thursday, March 24, 2011

New Life Abounds

Eye candy bursts forth from a pile of dead dry leaves, announcing that Spring has arrived.  They are tiny and easily missed, but if you get down to their level you can see how truly magnificent they are. 
I love our seasonal changes.  Each one has a feel all its own, and each brings on a new type of excitement.  Winter to Spring is one of the best for me.  New life, in every form, can now show off. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Special Dinner Guest

We had a special dinner guest last night.  We have 6 wonderful grand kids, all boys, and it's always nice to have them around the house.  They all add a real sparkle to our lives J.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

People have died, so we can do this

When I see how citizens of other countries are forced to live without the freedoms that we cherish here in the United States of America, it amazes me that there are still Americans who will not take the time to vote.  Brave men and women have sacrificed their lives so that we can cast our ballots.  I feel it is not only my privilege, but also my responsibility to never pass up such a wonderful opportunity.

Monday, March 21, 2011

The weak link

Teamwork is so vital in almost all situations in our lives.  I have always appreciated those that pull their share of the load, and aren't afraid to give every task their full support.  I never wanted to be the link in the chain that could not be counted on.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Dang it, That Hurt!

Have you ever wondered
 about your own thumb?
How it’s fat and ugly
and offensive to some.

It makes gloves look funny
and won’t fit in your nose.
Wy it’s just plain silly
as most fingers go.

Now some say it’s big
so it’s easy to find,
so babies can suck it
and stop all the crying.

Others say it’s made
for holding up high,
so people can see it
when you’re hitching a ride.

I’ve got another reason
it was made in this manner.
God made it easy
to hit with a hammer.

#@%* that hurt!
© Glenn W. Swan

Friday, March 18, 2011

How safe is YOUR nest?


Shock controlled her mind as she sat, broken down, with her face buried in soot blackened hands.  The charred ruins of her home…her sanctuary…her life stood smoking behind her.  During the first horrifying, chaotic moments everyone made it out alive; but memories…and dreams…and her peace…were gone.  I could feel the anguish that seemed to flow from the photograph right into anyone in front of it. 
As I finished reading the morning paper my eyes continued to follow the text but my thoughts began to wander.  How safe is my house?  Is it a disaster just waiting to happen?  Have I done all that I can to keep this tragedy away from my family?  I was impelled to inspect things much closer.
Later in the day, I made this photograph to help illustrate the importance of fire safety.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Rules, Rules, Rules

My philosophy has always been, "rules are rules", and God knows I try to follow as many of them as I can; but some are just not reasonable.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Don't be Ordinary

Don’t be afraid to stand out in a crowd.  During the thirty odd years that I worked as a manager, I learned to appreciate the varied inputs, different opinions, and unique perspectives that I received from people in my organization.  Occasionally it amazed me that the “quirkiest person” in the group often had the most to offer.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Get hot, to chill

Sometimes all that is needed to "chill out" is a "hot soak", and someone to share it with.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

It's a shame to miss such a good dog

I know I have a few bad habits, most are harmless, but some just might be a problem if left unattended.  One of my favorite vices is my love of hotdogs.  I just can’t pass one up, and yesterday I think I found the prince of all hotdogs.  It’s the “Old Fashioned Chicago Dog” and I wouldn’t have any reservations about spending my last $3 on another one. They are that good!  I have driven by this little stand for years and never stopped, but today my old truck seemed to veer uncontrollably into the parking lot.  The little lady behind the counter said “hi there, first time in?” I said yes...wondering how she knew, and she said “you’ll be back”.  She seemed to have an eerily amazing ability to recognize a full blown dog addict at first glance.  I think her prediction will come true…I will go back.  I wonder how many other little gems I have driven right by in my haste to get to some other place.  How many other secret hideaways or special people I have missed over the years. I think I am glad I will never know, but I also think I’ll slow down a bit, and not be in such a rush. If I'm lucky, maybe I'll discover a few more. 
Ok, Ok, the place is Margo's Vienna Station on West Colorado Ave. 

Tsoai Explained

Some of you have asked about Tsoai, so here is a brief explanation.  Tsoai got it’s name from the Kiowa Indians who lived in Colorado.  The word Tsoai literally means “Rock Tree”.  Evidently, since they have a word in their language for "rock tree", they have a special place in their culture for these natural occurrences too.  It lives on the Rock ‘n Pine ranch, and next time we are up there I’ll introduce him/her to you.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Winter night’s frigid darkness freezes everything to the core, but its roots have nowhere to seek warmth.  Scorching summer droughts parch even the richest earth, but very little soil exists to provide moisture.  Westerly winds can topple even the deepest rooted tree, but roots cannot penetrate solid granite.  
Tsoai did not have a choice about where it started life, it has no choice about where it lives life, and it will have no choice about where its life will end.  Tsoai cannot complain, ask for help, or improve its living conditions in any way.  Tsoai stands on its own day after day, year after year, through the summer heat, the strongest wind, and freezing winter nights.  Its only sustenance comes from a tiny shallow crack in a huge granite boulder; it lives in an extremely bleak environment, yet…somehow…it survives.  I first found Tsoai over 25 years ago, and I have thought about it often.  I visited Tsoai again today and was elated to find it still alive.  In times when my own life becomes difficult and I don’t think things could get any worse, I'll make myself a cup of tea, or pour a tall glass of beer, and sometimes...I think of Tsoai. 

Friday, March 11, 2011


When I was a kid we got the brilliant idea to make our own cigarettes.  Of course we didn’t have any tobacco or any money to purchase any, so we would roll up dried corn silk in toilet paper (clean of course) and light em up.  We affectionately called them “toilies”.  They were positively horrible!  Imagine inhaling the smoke from a burning garbage truck tire and you’ll have some idea what it was like. As time went on and I grew older I tried real cigarettes, they also tasted terrible, but for some unknown reason; unknown at the time anyway, I kept smoking them.  I have long since quit.  If you haven’t tried one, you may be tempted, but don’t do it.  It's a very dangerous temptation.  They’ll get ya, and if they do…it’s going to be very difficult to escape.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Waves, smiles, and frowns

The sun looked like someone’s half opened eye after a night of too many margaritas; it was early morning, school time.  As I drove to the market, I caught a glimpse of him walking down the street seemingly immersed in thought.  I passed by and he looked up and for a brief second our eyes met…he waved.  I have no idea who he is, or why he chose to wave, but he did.  Being a little slower on the draw these days, it took a few extra nanoseconds for my feeble brain to process this information and for me to throw a wave back at him.  My truck was moving pretty fast…maybe too fast,  and I recall thinking “I hope he saw my return wave”.  I don’t know why, but for some reason I felt obligated to return his friendly gesture.  As I drove on, it dawned on me that he couldn’t have missed it; he had to have seen it.  After all, waves, smiles…and frowns all travel at the speed of light, and they rarely miss their targets.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Time to think

Time is one of, if not the most important commodity that we have, yet the human race has found many amazingly effective ways to waste it.  Standing in lines, waiting on hold, sitting at stop lights, are just three that seem to drive me closer to the nut house each day.  If I could get back every minute that I have wasted while participating in these activities just think how many more fish I could have caught, or how many more cream puffs I could have baked. It’s maddening!  On the bright side however, these quiet moments do give you time to think, and sometimes thought can be a good thing.  While sitting at a stop light today I noticed these two very obvious towers sitting side by side, jutting up into the morning sky.  They are strikingly different in architectural design, and while one is made of wood and brick, the other is made of steel and exotic high tech materials.  At first glance they seem vastly different, yet as I sat there waiting on the stop light I realized how, in an abstract way, they are actually so similar in purpose.  They are both designed to help mankind listen.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Morning Coffee

The March chill makes my hands stiff, the sky is grey, but the coffee is hot and somehow makes the morning a good place to be.  As I wrapped my hands around the warmth I found myself absentmindedly rubbing my fingers over the words carved into the Van Briggle cup.  I looked down and thought about the names.  It took me back a long way, to a time when I was much younger.  Duane was one of my favorite uncles who has been gone for over 12 years, but each time I drink out of his cup, his contagious laugh is right there with me and my morning coffee.  It's nice to hear.