Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Time to think

Time is one of, if not the most important commodity that we have, yet the human race has found many amazingly effective ways to waste it.  Standing in lines, waiting on hold, sitting at stop lights, are just three that seem to drive me closer to the nut house each day.  If I could get back every minute that I have wasted while participating in these activities just think how many more fish I could have caught, or how many more cream puffs I could have baked. It’s maddening!  On the bright side however, these quiet moments do give you time to think, and sometimes thought can be a good thing.  While sitting at a stop light today I noticed these two very obvious towers sitting side by side, jutting up into the morning sky.  They are strikingly different in architectural design, and while one is made of wood and brick, the other is made of steel and exotic high tech materials.  At first glance they seem vastly different, yet as I sat there waiting on the stop light I realized how, in an abstract way, they are actually so similar in purpose.  They are both designed to help mankind listen.


  1. Well said. Though I did know you were a photographer I did not know you were a writer. I really appreciate this thought today; I believe God can use so many things to help us listen to Him, even your blog. =)

  2. Great point Dad! It is interesting that you even thought of that as I would have just been annoyed that I was sitting at the stoplight! I need to take a lesson from you and stop and look around more and think about what I am looking at I guess. Great post!
