Friday, March 18, 2011

How safe is YOUR nest?


Shock controlled her mind as she sat, broken down, with her face buried in soot blackened hands.  The charred ruins of her home…her sanctuary…her life stood smoking behind her.  During the first horrifying, chaotic moments everyone made it out alive; but memories…and dreams…and her peace…were gone.  I could feel the anguish that seemed to flow from the photograph right into anyone in front of it. 
As I finished reading the morning paper my eyes continued to follow the text but my thoughts began to wander.  How safe is my house?  Is it a disaster just waiting to happen?  Have I done all that I can to keep this tragedy away from my family?  I was impelled to inspect things much closer.
Later in the day, I made this photograph to help illustrate the importance of fire safety.