Sunday, March 13, 2011

It's a shame to miss such a good dog

I know I have a few bad habits, most are harmless, but some just might be a problem if left unattended.  One of my favorite vices is my love of hotdogs.  I just can’t pass one up, and yesterday I think I found the prince of all hotdogs.  It’s the “Old Fashioned Chicago Dog” and I wouldn’t have any reservations about spending my last $3 on another one. They are that good!  I have driven by this little stand for years and never stopped, but today my old truck seemed to veer uncontrollably into the parking lot.  The little lady behind the counter said “hi there, first time in?” I said yes...wondering how she knew, and she said “you’ll be back”.  She seemed to have an eerily amazing ability to recognize a full blown dog addict at first glance.  I think her prediction will come true…I will go back.  I wonder how many other little gems I have driven right by in my haste to get to some other place.  How many other secret hideaways or special people I have missed over the years. I think I am glad I will never know, but I also think I’ll slow down a bit, and not be in such a rush. If I'm lucky, maybe I'll discover a few more. 
Ok, Ok, the place is Margo's Vienna Station on West Colorado Ave. 

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