Thursday, March 10, 2011

Waves, smiles, and frowns

The sun looked like someone’s half opened eye after a night of too many margaritas; it was early morning, school time.  As I drove to the market, I caught a glimpse of him walking down the street seemingly immersed in thought.  I passed by and he looked up and for a brief second our eyes met…he waved.  I have no idea who he is, or why he chose to wave, but he did.  Being a little slower on the draw these days, it took a few extra nanoseconds for my feeble brain to process this information and for me to throw a wave back at him.  My truck was moving pretty fast…maybe too fast,  and I recall thinking “I hope he saw my return wave”.  I don’t know why, but for some reason I felt obligated to return his friendly gesture.  As I drove on, it dawned on me that he couldn’t have missed it; he had to have seen it.  After all, waves, smiles…and frowns all travel at the speed of light, and they rarely miss their targets.


  1. So true! Well said! I look forward to seeing your picture and reading your post every morning! Love, Andrea

  2. I agree. It is something that I should do more often. The smile and wave part not the frowning:D. Thanks for giving me this blog to look foward to every morning with my coffee. It is my favorite part of the mornings!!
