Friday, March 11, 2011


When I was a kid we got the brilliant idea to make our own cigarettes.  Of course we didn’t have any tobacco or any money to purchase any, so we would roll up dried corn silk in toilet paper (clean of course) and light em up.  We affectionately called them “toilies”.  They were positively horrible!  Imagine inhaling the smoke from a burning garbage truck tire and you’ll have some idea what it was like. As time went on and I grew older I tried real cigarettes, they also tasted terrible, but for some unknown reason; unknown at the time anyway, I kept smoking them.  I have long since quit.  If you haven’t tried one, you may be tempted, but don’t do it.  It's a very dangerous temptation.  They’ll get ya, and if they do…it’s going to be very difficult to escape.

1 comment:

  1. Where did you take that picture? Cigarettes certainly are a death trap.
