Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Morning Coffee

The March chill makes my hands stiff, the sky is grey, but the coffee is hot and somehow makes the morning a good place to be.  As I wrapped my hands around the warmth I found myself absentmindedly rubbing my fingers over the words carved into the Van Briggle cup.  I looked down and thought about the names.  It took me back a long way, to a time when I was much younger.  Duane was one of my favorite uncles who has been gone for over 12 years, but each time I drink out of his cup, his contagious laugh is right there with me and my morning coffee.  It's nice to hear.


  1. This is great Dad! I will enjoy looking at your blog each day and while I don't find myself with a lot of extra spare time I will make sure to find a few minutes each day to look at your blog as it will give me something to smile about as it did today :-)

  2. Great start Glen,I look forward to more.

  3. I will be tuned in everyday. A great little island in my day of rough sea's. I can't wait to see more.

  4. What a great idea! When did you become such a master of the written word? You amaze me sometimes and I am even in awe of you, but then I remember some of our arguments and realize you are actually wrong most of the time.
    I will be waiting for tomorrow's blog, though.

  5. I haven't seen any new pictures lately??
